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  • Wednesday, May 17th
    10:30 AM – 10:35 AM EDT
    The MLA Style Guide: Looking back to move forward
    Location: 251B
    Presenter and Author: Katie Arnold
    Author and Main Contact: Ellen Aaronson, MLS, AHIP (she/her/hers) – Mayo Clinic Libraries
    Author: Skye Bickett, AHIP – Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine - Georgia Campus
    Author: Michelle Kraft, AHIP, FMLA – Cleveland Clinic
    Author: Jenessa M. McElfresh, AHIP (she/her/hers) – University of Tennessee Health Science Center Health Sciences Library
    Author: Beverly Murphy, MLS, AHIP, FMLA – Duke Medical Center Library & Archives
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    Planning for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy: Education and Outreach
    Location: 142A
    Primary Contact: Justin de la Cruz – NYU Health Sciences Library
    Presenter: Nicole Contaxis, MLIS, MA – NYU Health Sciences Library
    Presenter: Levi Dolan, MLIS – Ruth Lilly Medical Library
    Presenter: Jess Newman McDonald – Health Sciences Library
    Information ManagementIn Person
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    10:55 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
    Librarians’ role in developing international pediatric clinical guidelines
    Location: 251B
    Author: Hannah J. Craven (she/her/hers) – Ruth Lilly Medical Library
    Author and Main Contact: Elizabeth C. Whipple, MLS, AHIP (she/her/hers) – Ruth Lilly Medical Library
    Information Management
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    11:10 AM – 11:15 AM EDT
    Journal Assessment is not all about Publisher Supplies Statistics!!
    Location: 251B
    Presenter and Author: Lutishoor Salisbury – University of Arkansas Libraries
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    1:30 PM – 1:45 PM EDT
    Building across Silos: Integrating Specialized Data Tools with a Library Data Catalog
    Location: 252A
    Author and Main Contact: Nicole Contaxis, MLIS, MA – NYU Health Sciences Library
    Information Management
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    1:45 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
    Planning for Data Services: Researcher Needs & Perspectives on Data Management and Sharing
    Location: 252A
    Presenter and Author: Jess Newman McDonald – Health Sciences Library
    Presenter and Author: Sarah Newell – Health Sciences Library
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    2:15 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
    It’s Complicated: Collaborating for National Institutes of Health Data Policy Changes Across an R1 Institution
    Location: 252A
    Author: Kelsey Badger (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University, University Libraries
    Presenter and Author: Anna Biszaha (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University Health Sciences Library
    Author and Main Contact: Stephanie J. Schulte (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University Health Sciences Library
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Wednesday, May 17th
    2:30 PM – 2:45 PM EDT
    Health Science Libraries Policy Support Preparedness for the Implementation of the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy
    Location: 252A
    Author and Main Contact: Lisa Federer (she/her/hers) – National Library of Medicine
    Author: Kelly West (she/her/hers) – National Library of Medicine
    Author: Justin de la Cruz – NYU Health Sciences Library
    Author: Genevieve Milliken, MA, MSLIS (she/her/hers) – NYU Health Sciences Library / Data Services
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    9:00 AM – 9:15 AM EDT
    Is it possible to determine citation meaning with machine learning?
    Location: 250C
    Presenter and Author: Nicole Theis-Mahon, AHIP – University of Minnesota
    Author: Caitlin Bakker, AHIP (she/her/hers) – University of Regina
    Author: Sarah Jane Brown – Health Sciences Library
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    9:15 AM – 9:30 AM EDT
    An exploration of workflows for monitoring Open Access publishing at the University of Michigan
    Location: 250C
    Presenter and Author: Tyler Nix, MSLS – Taubman Health Sciences Library, University of Michigan
    Author: Leena Lalwani – University of Michigan
    Presenter and Author: Rebecca Welzenbach, MSI – University of Michigan Libraries
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    9:30 AM – 9:45 AM EDT
    Making the BRAIN Initiative FAIRer
    Location: 250C
    Presenter and Author: Alisa Surkis – NYU Health Sciences Library
    Author: Peter Petersen, PhD – University of Copenhagen
    Author: Rodrigo Amaducci, PhD – University of Copenhagen
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    9:45 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    Subjected: Investigating the Impact of MeSH Terms on Underrepresented Groups
    Location: 251C
    Author and Main Contact: Lorin K. Jackson (she/they) – Medical University of South Carolina, Network of the National Library of Medicine
    Author: Jamia Williams (she/her/hers) – University of Utah/The Network of the National Library of Medicine/Training Office
    Author: Kelleen Maluski, MLS (she/her/hers) – Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center, University of New Mexico
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    9:45 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    Technical Services Librarians in the Medical Library Association
    Location: 250C
    Presenter and Author: Toni Hoberecht, AHIP – Schusterman Library at OU-Tulsa
    Presenter and Author: Emrys Moreau – Schusterman Library at OU-Tulsa
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    1:30 PM – 1:45 PM EDT
    Opening Soon: Potential Impacts of the OSTP Mandate on the Biomedical Literature
    Author and Main Contact: Edwin V. Sperr, Jr., AHIP (he/him/his) – AU/UGA Medical Partnership / GME
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT
    The Critical Role of Librarians in Enterprise Data Management
    Location: 142A
    Primary Contact: Susannah Barnes (she/her/hers) – Alation
    Information Management
  • Thursday, May 18th
    1:35 PM – 1:40 PM EDT
    The DMPTool NIH template project: Policy analysis, practical implementation
    Author and Main Contact: Nina Exner, PhD, MLS – Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
    Author: Katy Smith, PhD, MLIS (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University Medical Center Library
    Author: Matthew Covey (he/him/his) – The Rita & Frits Markus Library, The Rockefeller University
    Author: Genevieve Milliken, MA, MSLIS (she/her/hers) – NYU Health Sciences Library / Data Services
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    1:45 PM – 2:00 PM EDT
    Creating Recommended Practices for Retractions: An Update from the NISO CREC Working Group
    Author and Main Contact: Caitlin Bakker, AHIP (she/her/hers) – University of Regina
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    2:00 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    The Role of Health Sciences Libraries in Supporting Consent Standards for Medical Image Publication
    Author and Main Contact: Sarah McClung (she/her/hers) – University of California, San Francisco Library
    Author: Rachel Keiko Stark, AHIP – California State University, Sacramento Library, Research and Instruction
    Author: Megan DeArmond – Touro University Nevada, Jay Sexter Library
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Thursday, May 18th
    2:30 PM – 2:45 PM EDT
    Developing and Assessing Data Workshops Supporting Local and Global Research and Service Projects
    Location: 251C
    Presenter and Author: Margaret Henderson, AHIP – San Diego State University Library
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    9:20 AM – 9:25 AM EDT
    Collaborative Approaches to Improving MeSH
    Location: 251B
    Author and Main Contact: Violet Fox, MLIS – Galter Health Sciences Library, Northwestern University
    Author: Kelleen Maluski, MLS (she/her/hers) – Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center, University of New Mexico
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    9:30 AM – 9:35 AM EDT
    Data Service Needs of Graduate Students and Postdocs During Research Disruptions
    Location: 251B
    Author and Main Contact: Debra A. Werner (she/her/hers) – John Crerar Library, University of Chicago
    Author: Jenny Hart, MLIS – John Crerar Library, University of Chicago
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    9:50 AM – 9:55 AM EDT
    Machine learning-assisted screening increases efficiency of systematic review
    Location: 251B
    Author and Main Contact: Eitan Agai – headquarter
    Author: Riaz Qureshi, n/a – University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    9:55 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
    Nonbinary genders in taxonomy and research data
    Location: 251B
    Presenter and Author: Ari Gofman Fishman (they/them/theirs) – Analog Devices Inc Research Library
    Presenter and Author: Nina Exner, PhD, MLS – Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
    Author: Sam Leif (they/them/theirs) – University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    Information ManagementIn PersonOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    1:00 PM – 1:05 PM EDT
    DMP Tool Review
    Author and Main Contact: Damiana Fortenberry (she/her/hers) – UAB Libraries
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    1:05 PM – 1:10 PM EDT
    Supply and Demand: an expanded statistical approach to collection assessment and targeted outreach
    Author and Main Contact: Nicole Askin (she/her/hers) – WRHA Virtual Library
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    1:10 PM – 1:15 PM EDT
    Preparing Librarians and Researchers for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
    Author and Main Contact: Katy Smith, PhD, MLIS (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University Medical Center Library
    Author: Dani LaPreze (she/her/hers) – Kornhauser Health Sciences Library
    Author: Nina Exner, PhD, MLS – Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    1:15 PM – 1:20 PM EDT
    Leveling up Researcher Profiles: Changing Platforms, Changing Practice
    Author and Main Contact: Heather J. Martin, MISt, AHIP (she/her/hers) – System Library Services
    Author: Amanda Schwartz (she/her/hers) – System Library Services, Providence
    Information ManagementOn Demand
  • Friday, May 19th
    2:00 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
    Advancing the role of Libraries in University-wide electronic research notebook conversations at a R1 institution
    Author and Main Contact: Plato L. Smith II – University of Florida, Academic Consulting Research & Services (ARCS)
    Information ManagementOn Demand