All sessions are scheduled in US Eastern Daylight Time. To see in your time zone (useful for virtual attendees), identify your time zone in your profile.
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User Tips/FAQ
How to use the Online Planner
- Search or browse for conference programs using the options in the left navigation or using a tile on the home page.
- Review descriptions and view presenters by selecting program titles.
- Only registered attendees are able to log in and view content, including posters and exhibitors; anyone can view abstracts. Conference content becomes live May 16.
- Click the "star" to add items to your personal itinerary; these are your "favorites". To remove an item from your itinerary, select the star again.
- Access your personal itinerary at any time by selecting 'My Conference' at left. This page offers multiple means to access your favorited content, other attendees, the questions you ask, and to test your system for access to various features.
- Creating a personal itinerary helps you plan your time between meeting presentations and work obligations (virtual sessions) or helps keep you on track when you are onsite in Detroit. It does not register you for the meeting or guarantee a seat at sessions.
- You can download your intinerary to your calendar:
- In your "My Conference" page, select the "My Favorites" box.
- You now can see all your favorites by category. To add sessions to your calendar, select the "Export" button, then choose "Export to Calendar".
- for Outlook, SAVE the *.ics file to your local drive, then open. Your Outlook should ask you if you want the file as a separate calendar, or to add to your existing calendar. Adding to your existing calendar (IMPORT) will allow your normal features, like reminders, to apply to your conference favorites.
- If your Outlook adds the *.ics file automatically as a separate calendar, all is not lost! Open your calendar AND your "My Plan" EventScribe calendar side-by-side, then drag events from "My Plan" to your calendar.
View Scheduled Virtual Presentations
- For Live virtual concurrent sessions from virtual presenters, you can view and interact with presenters in Zoom. After virtual presentations, you can contact presenters through the attendee list.
- Also beginning Tuesday, May 16, view on-demand slides, or slides+integrated audio/video. Ask questions of presenters via the text Q&A chat feature.
- See a question from another attendee that is like yours? Don't ask again -- vote the question "up" to reflect it is important to you!
Use Universal Search
To do a site-wide search or to find ALL the authors of papers and posters, use the "universal search" in the upper blue bar next to your name or Login prompt.
How to View the Virtual Exhibit Hall
Access our Virtual Expo Hall beginning May 17. To view exhibitors, use the the dropdown options from the Exhibitors section.You may also make appointments with exhibitors directly, or they may reach out to you for an appointment.
Interested in Learning More About an Exhibitor?
- Select the ‘Request Information’ button to share your information and interests with an exhibitor.
- Beginning May 17, you'll be able to text chat with exhibitors and to make virtual appointments.
- "Favorite" exhibitors by clicking the star associated with their exhibit booth; then access your favorited exhibitors from your personal "My Conference" page.
I'm going to Detroit. Is there an App?
Yes! You can download the app from the Online Planner App page (see "Conference App") using your mobile device and the QR code provided. If you need help onsite, connect with Kate Corcoran or through official support during conference support hours.
I am a virtual attendee. Will I have access to all the presentations being given live in Detroit? Will those be recorded?
Virtual attendees will have access to contributed content (papers, lightning talks, posters), plenary sessions (livestreams and recordings), and 2 sessions each of the Collection Development and Leadership & Management sessions. We have asked all presenters to provide you with slides, recordings, and captions for their presentations; poster presenters may have audio also. Slides, video, and handouts are available beginning May 16. No sessions are being recorded onsite.