Librarian Emerita
University of Washington
University of Washington
Lake Forest Park, Washington
Terry Ann Jankowski, MLS, AHIP, FMLA is librarian emerita, University of Washington Health Sciences Library; she retired as the assistant director for user experience in 2016. My 4th grade teacher recruited me to become a librarian and I now have over 40 years of experience as an expert searcher. Throughout my career I have focused on database searching, user and reference services and user education. I’ve authored or coauthored several publications and presentations on these topics. I created and taught a class on expert searching for MLA as well as authored 2 books on the subject. As an active volunteer in MLA I’ve served on numerous committees, editorial boards and task forces, most recently on the Value Studies Working Group. My free time is spent volunteering for the Girl Scouts and quilting.
Advocating for the value of health sciences librarians
Friday, May 19, 2023
9:15 AM – 9:30 AM EDT